Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Check It OUT!!

Oh, I am so proud of myself right now, I must share! Notice in the "some of my favorites" section to the right something different - "LPM Blog": I managed to put that there all by myself!! I looked in blogger helps and found out how to do it on my own. Do you have any idea how computer illiterate I am? This is a major accomplishment for me (...yes, I can hear the wild applause, and thank you)!
Anyway, why it's there: I am one of Beth Moore's newest groupies, and after spending much too much time searching for a remotely personal website of hers, I found this one, and felt I had to share it! I've already spent too much time reading there, and even commented on one blog, but God has taught me so much through her teaching and I love to read about what projects she (and Living Proof Ministries) is currently working on and about day to day stuff in her and her family's lives. I can't wait to add more of my favorites to my links (anyone out there giving me permission to do so?)--that is, if I remember how to do it again. I'm not yet an expert, so please don't ask me to explain what I did. And please don't tell me (yet) that it's really not a difficult procedure and it's nothing more than a click here and a drag there*. Burst my bubble another day, please.
*April 4 - I found an easier way--again, on my own!

1 comment:

wm said...

I do like that site! way to go!